New shoppers are considered "Rookie" shoppers during their first 10 orders. During the Rookie period, there are differences in order offering and schedule building to help new shoppers get started with success.
Rookie Order Claiming
- Rookie shoppers will have the option to claim promo orders during their first 10 orders.
- Promo orders must be completed on time in the delivery window to count towards ending Rookie status.
Rookie Order Offering
- Rookie shoppers will start near the top of the offering list temporarily to help them gain experience.
- After completing their first 10 orders, shoppers will no longer be considered Rookies, and their Stats will have more of an influence on their future order offers like other shoppers.
Rookie Schedule Building
- Rookie shoppers are unable to claim more than one order for a single delivery window.
- Once a shopper has successfully shopped and delivered more than 10 orders, these boundaries will automatically be removed, and they will be able to claim multiple orders per delivery window including order bundles.*
*Note: shoppers in some metros may be able to claim bundles before they’ve completed 10 orders. You’ll receive an in-app message when bundle offers are available to you.