Time-flexible Delivery Only bundles are orders that are grouped together based on the store and delivery locations and are also time-flexible, which means shoppers can pick up and deliver the orders anytime between their “ready for pickup” and "deliver by" times.
- Shoppers will pick up the bundled orders from each store and then drop them off individually to customers.
- For optimal order success, experienced shoppers recommend picking up time-flexible Delivery Only bundles when shoppers can complete the deliveries right after leaving the store to avoid order misplacement or damage.
- Time-flexible Delivery Only bundles enable shoppers to spend less time looking for offers and traveling to stores, and more time completing orders and maximizing earning opportunities.
The 2 Types of Time-Flexible Delivery Only Bundles
- If a shopper claims a time-flexible Delivery Only bundle containing 2 orders that are not part of a route, the orders will display separately on the My Orders screen post-claim.
- Shoppers will be able to pick up each order the same way as other time-flexible Delivery Only orders and then deliver them individually after leaving the store location.
- Shoppers will be able to pick up each order the same way as other time-flexible Delivery Only orders and then deliver them individually after leaving the store location.
- If a shopper claims a time-flexible Delivery Only bundle that includes a route of deliveries, it will appear as one order on the My Orders screen post-claim.
- With these specialty bundles, shoppers will be able to access a list of the orders to pick up at each store, and then drop each order off one by one using an optimized delivery list that is organized in a suggested order to help shoppers complete deliveries efficiently.
- Through extensive research, including shopper feedback, we’ve learned that the best time to offer these larger bundles is in the middle of the day. As a result, you will see these bundles offered between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily.
Offer Cards
- A time-flexible Delivery Only bundle will have a red label on the order card showing the total number of orders.
- You can review the store(s) and delivery locations by tapping the map icon or the ellipsis in the top right corner of the order offer card.
- If the bundle contains orders from multiple retailers, each one will be listed at the bottom of the offer card.
Pickup Process for Bundle Routes*
*Note: Best Buy time flexible delivery only orders require a few additional steps at the Pick up and Delivery stage. Click here to view those instructions.
The time when the bundle will be ready for pickup will be displayed on the Order Details screen.
- When you are ready to head to the store to pick up the orders, select the retailer then complete the Swipe and head to pickup action at the bottom of the Order Details screen.
- If the bundle contains orders from multiple retailers, repeat these steps with each retailer on the order.
- After you’ve arrived at the pickup location, tap Arrived at store.
- When you're ready to provide order information to the store associate, tap Pick up orders. A list of order numbers and customer names will display.
- Provide the information for each order to the store associate and select each order in the list to confirm you have received it.
- As you receive each order from the store associate, select the order on the Pickup Orders screen to confirm you have picked it up. A green checkmark will appear next to each order as you select it.
- If you're unable to pick up certain orders from the bundle for any reason, leave them unselected in the app and they will be removed from the order and canceled.
*Note: You do not need to contact support if an order is unable to be picked up. The retailer will contact the customer to let them know their order was canceled. However, please double-check which orders you leave unselected in the app to avoid accidentally canceling the wrong orders. Repeatedly canceling packages without attempting to deliver is against Shipt’s App Access Guidelines and may result in deactivation.
- If you're unable to pick up certain orders from the bundle for any reason, leave them unselected in the app and they will be removed from the order and canceled.
- Tap Mark selected as picked up to confirm which orders you successfully picked up.
If you've arrived at the store for a time-flexible Delivery Only and do not pick up all of the packages on the order, your pay may be adjusted to below the offered range. You'll be able to review any unscanned packages as well as the updated route details before confirming the package removal. If none of the orders in the bundle are ready for pickup, you'll receive $7 for arriving to the store.
Delivery Process for Bundle Routes*
*Note: Best Buy time flexible delivery only orders require a few additional steps at the Pick up and Delivery stage. Click here to view those instructions.
- After you have confirmed which packages you have picked up, you'll be directed to the Stops screen. From here, you can select your next stop. For optimal route efficiency, we suggest completing the deliveries in order from top to bottom.
- Due to the multiple delivery stops you’ll make, drive times may be higher than a typical order, sometimes going up to 35-40 minutes or more.
- Tap each order to review its specific details, contact the customer, pull up the delivery address in your phone’s navigation app, and submit the delivery in the app.
- Since these orders can be delivered at any time throughout the day, consider sending a message to notify each customer when you are on your way to deliver their order so they know to expect you soon. For example, you could contact the first customer when you are leaving the store and then contact the next customer after you’ve delivered the first order and are heading to the next delivery location.
- Since these customers order directly from the store, they may not be expecting any communication from Shipt. For this reason, top shoppers suggest introducing yourself along with your first message. Consider saying: "Hi, this is [your name] with Shipt delivering your order from Best Buy. I've just picked up your order from the store and am on my way."
- Since these orders can be delivered at any time throughout the day, consider sending a message to notify each customer when you are on your way to deliver their order so they know to expect you soon. For example, you could contact the first customer when you are leaving the store and then contact the next customer after you’ve delivered the first order and are heading to the next delivery location.
- As you prepare to deliver each order, tap Drop off package on each order’s Delivery Details screen. You’ll be asked to submit proof of delivery at each drop off.
- For more information on the proof of delivery process, click here.
- The Delivery Summary screen will display, where you can confirm the package you have in hand to deliver is correct. Then, complete the Mark as delivered action.
- Keep in mind, time-flexible Delivery Only orders are drop-off orders. To ensure each customer knows you successfully delivered their order, send a delivery confirmation message containing a picture for proof of delivery.
- As each order is delivered, it will be moved from the Delivery List screen to the Completed screen so you can focus on the rest of the orders you still need to deliver.
- To access the Completed screen, tap the icon in the top right-hand corner on the Stops screen. You will see a delivered status next to each order.
- When you have delivered all of the orders in the bundle, swipe the Complete route action.
Are all shoppers eligible to receive time-flexible Delivery Only bundles?
Shoppers who have completed 10 or more orders will be eligible to receive offers for time-flexible Delivery Only bundles.*
*Note: shoppers in some metros may be able to claim bundles before they’ve completed 10 orders. You’ll receive an in-app message when bundle offers are available to you.
How are time-flexible Delivery Only bundles different from current bundles?
- With time-flexible Delivery Only bundles, shoppers can now deliver the orders any time between pick up and the “deliver by” time listed on the order card.
Will a signature be required for these orders?
- No. Currently, all time-flexible Delivery Only bundles are drop-off only.
Do I have to pick up all of the orders at one time?
- All of the orders listed in the bundle will need to be picked up at the store at the same time. If for some reason an order is not available for pickup when you arrive at the store, you can leave it unselected when confirming which orders were picked up in the app.
Do I have to deliver the orders consecutively?
- With time-flexible Delivery Only bundles, shoppers are able to deliver orders anytime between pickup and the “deliver by” time listed on the order card. However, for optimal success, it is recommended for shoppers to complete time-flexible bundles consecutively to avoid order misplacement or damage.
Do I have to deliver the orders by the exact route that is provided in the app?
- The delivery route is a suggestion that is optimized by Shipt’s routing engine. Shoppers can use their own mapping navigation app to determine the best route for delivery.
To learn more about time-flexible Delivery Only orders, click here.