New Shopper Practice Opportunities

Experienced shoppers often tell us that completing these optional practice opportunities can help you prepare for your first shop!

Growing Your Business

Log your mileage when driving to and from various locations.

  • As a 1099 Independent Contractor, being able to log your mileage can make tax season a little bit easier for you.

Review recent text messages you have sent for clarity and correct spelling. 

  • The customer experience depends on great communication! Being able to use proper spelling and grammar can help you and the member have a great experience. 

Reflect upon customer service you've recently experienced. Consider how the individual was "friendly," offered "great communication," and how the individual went "above and beyond."

  • Since customers have the opportunity to provide this type of feedback, it might be helpful to be able to notice what these types of experiences look like so you can recreate them once you get started.

Sharpening Your Skills

Establish busy times for your local stores and heavy traffic times in your surrounding area. 

  • Having this information readily available can be helpful as you develop your skills. You'll be able to better estimate how much time it will take to complete orders. 

Consider researching routes between retail stores in your area to identify shortcuts and learn new routes. 

  • As a shopper, you will spend a lot of time in your car and you may shop at stores you've never stepped foot in! By learning these routes, you'll be able to be more efficient when completing orders. 

Try timing how long it takes you to complete your own grocery shop including the drive time to and from the store. 

  • Once you graduate from your rookie period, you'll be able to shop for more than one order at once. Being confident in how long it takes to complete an order will ensure you're able to successfully complete multiple orders at once.

Focusing on Customers

Try out your free Shipt membership to place an order and look for communication from your shopper. Consider what you liked and what you might do differently. 

  • It is up to you to determine how you provide a great customer experience. Being able to articulate how you will offer a great customer experience is a great way to start off on the right foot. 

Familiarize yourself with the selection of difficult items such as baby food and yogurt. 

  • There are some items that can be difficult to locate or find substitutions for. Taking a moment to look around various aisles to get acquainted with items, such as baby food, will help you be able to make quick decisions as you get started. 

As you text and communicate with others, find ways to use thoughtful and kind language. 

  • Texting can be tough as tones can be misinterpreted. Consider using full sentences in combination with "please," or "thank you," to help you deliver a great customer experience.

Last updated on March 17th, 2025

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