Shipt HQ provides opportunities to earn additional income through bonus pay. Communication will be sent to shoppers when a bonus is being offered detailing the parameters of what is needed to qualify for the bonus and when payment will be received. In order to receive a payout for a bonus, shoppers need to meet all qualifications indicated for that particular bonus.
Qualifying orders will vary based on a variety of parameters. For example, if a shopper receives a bonus opportunity to complete 15 shops from Saturday–Sunday to earn $75 in bonus pay, the shopper will only earn $75 if they complete 15 qualifying orders within the designated time period.
- After a bonus ends, information about it will remain accessible from the Payment History screen for two weeks.
- You'll be paid the specified bonus pay on top of your regular earnings the following week after the bonus ends.
- Each bonus can only be earned once. For example, if the bonus is to complete 5 orders between 2-5 p.m. to earn $20 and you complete 10 orders, you will only receive $20 despite completing more than 5 shops during the bonus period.
How to Track Your Progress
When a bonus is available, you’ll see the Earn bonus section displayed at the top of the Available Orders, My Orders, and Payment History screens.*
*Note: Certain bonus opportunities do not display in the bonus tracker feature at this time. However, all orders completed toward bonuses that are not featured in-app will also count toward other active bonus opportunities in your area that are featured in-app.
- Tap Track progress to see a list of current and recent bonus opportunities as well as the progress bar for each.
Reviewing Bonus Opportunities
From the Earn Bonus screen, you can select each bonus to review details on order qualifications and to see which of your completed orders have qualified.
- Tap each bonus opportunity to review the criteria that must be met for an order to qualify.
*Note: All bonus qualifications will be based on how the order was offered and the information displayed on the order offer card.
As you continue to shop for qualifiable orders, the progress bar will update to show how many orders you have completed toward the bonus.
Bonus Timing
Some bonus opportunities will be for an entire day or a range of days, where all delivery windows will count toward the bonus.
- For example, “Today only” or “June 16–June 18”
Some bonus opportunities will be time-specific and display a range of delivery windows, in which orders must be scheduled for to qualify. Time-flexible orders will not count toward time-specific bonuses.
- Time-flexible orders will not count toward time-specific bonuses.
- For example, “Today, 2–5pm”
- An order with a specified delivery window of “Today, 3–4pm” would qualify for that bonus.
- A time-flexible order with a delivery window of “Today, by 5pm” would not qualify for that bonus.
- For example, “Today, 2–5pm”
- If a bundle contains orders with adjacent delivery windows, the individual orders will count towards time-specific bonuses based on their specific delivery window.
- For example, “Today, 2–5pm.”
- A bundle contains orders with adjacent delivery windows and shows both “Today, 3-4pm” and “Today, 4-5pm” on the offer card.
- The order with a specified delivery window of “Today, 4-5pm” would qualify for that bonus.
- The adjacent order with a specified delivery window of “Today, 5-6pm” would not qualify for that bonus.
- For example, “Today, 2–5pm.”
- Orders with 2-hour delivery windows will count toward time-specific bonuses as long as the delivery window start time is within the bonus timeframe.
- For example, “Today, 2-5pm”
- An order with a delivery window of “Today, 2-4pm” would count towards that bonus because the start time of the delivery window is during the bonus timeframe.
- An order with a delivery window of “Today, 1-3pm” would not count towards that bonus because the start tome of the delivery window is before the bonus timeframe.
- For example, “Today, 2-5pm”
Bonus Details
Each bonus will have unique criteria, which can be reviewed on the Bonus Details screen. The options of potential criteria include order types, certification, store, delivery window, metro, and zone.
- If “All” is displayed under a section, it means there are no specific criteria for that option. For example, there could be metro-specific criteria where all zones would qualify.
- For bonus opportunities that do not require a certification, such as alcohol or prescription delivery, “None required” will display.
You can also keep track of which orders qualified or did not quality toward a bonus from the Bonus Details screen.
- Orders that are delivered late will not qualify for bonuses.
- Promo orders that are delivered within the delivery window will be counted toward certain bonus opportunities. If promo orders are eligible for a bonus, you’ll see this listed in the bonus tracker. Promo orders delivered outside of the delivery window do not count toward bonuses.
For an order to qualify for a time-specific bonus, it must be delivered within the scheduled time frame. If the order has an "Early ok" label or the customer indicates they would like an early delivery, it will qualify as long as the chosen delivery window is within the scheduled incentive time frame. Below are some examples of qualified and non-qualified orders.
- Ex: order has a delivery window of 3-4pm with an Early Ok label and there is an incentive for windows from 3-8pm. If the shopper delivers early at 1pm, the order will still qualify for the incentive because the window is inside the incentive parameters.
- Ex: order has a delivery window of 9-10pm with an Early Ok label and there is an incentive for windows from 4-9pm. If the shopper delivers early at 8:30pm this order doesn't qualify for the incentive because the window is outside the incentive parameters.
Time-flexible orders that do not have a specific delivery window but can be delivered at any time before the "deliver by" time will not qualify.
- Ex: order says deliver by 9pm. Shopper picks up at 11am and delivers any time before 9pm. This order does not qualify for an incentive.
- Ex: order says deliver by 9pm. Shopper picks up at 11am and delivers any time before 9pm. This order does not qualify for an incentive.
When will I be notified a bonus is happening?
- An in-app message and email will alert you if there is an active bonus available for you. The alert will show the total number of shops required to earn the incentive bonus as well as the date when the bonus ends.
How do I make sure to get notified if a bonus is available in a nearby metro?
- You will only be sent an email or in-app message if there is an active bonus available for you. If you're interested in seeing what bonus opportunities are available in a nearby metro, you can set or change your metro in the shopper app from the Account screen.
How will I know which orders qualify for a bonus?
- Orders that count towards bonuses will vary based on a variety of criteria, which can be reviewed from the Bonus Details screen.
- You can also keep track of which orders qualified or did not quality toward a bonus from the Bonus Details screen.
How do bundled orders count toward a bonus?
- Orders in a bundle will count individually towards a bonus as long as each order meets the communicated parameters.
What if one bundled order is late?
- If one of the bundled orders is delivered late, you would still get credit for the order that was delivered on time and that order would count toward the total number of required shops.
How long does it take for a qualified order to show up in the bonus tracker?
- Orders will be tracked in real-time therefore they should show up on your tracker as soon as it is claimed and the tracker will be updated when the order is complete.
How long until I am paid for a bonus I’ve earned?
- After completing a bonus opportunity, the payment date for the bonus will be displayed in the bonus tracker. The bonus tracker will be accessible from the Payment History screen for two weeks after the bonus ends.
I was notified about a bonus. Why don’t I see it in the app?
- While most bonuses can be tracked with the bonus tracker, there are a few exceptions. Please refer to the initial bonus email to see if the bonus is compatible with the bonus tracker. For any further questions, please reach out to
If I have a bonus opportunity in my app with a certification listed under the bonus details but I am not certified for that additional service, will I not be able to earn that bonus?
- If a certification is required for a bonus opportunity, shoppers will need to be certified to be able to receive offers for qualifying orders. For bonus opportunities that do not require a certification, “None required” will display. To learn more about certifications, click here.